Revamp [09.2011]

It was time for a change.

Or, to put it more accurately, a new start. A restart.

The previous look of my blog was starting to feel a little too professional and commercial, if there even is such a thing. The typeface barely matched the content of the posts anymore. It was about time the paint on the walls complemented the furniture, so to speak.

But before I go any further, I have to say that the new look of my blog isn’t meant to hearken back to those “angst”-ridden teenage years where we turned to the Internet to blog about how tortured our souls were. My blog is now a darker shade, but it’s a reflective, contemplative, quietly genuine kind of dark. At this point in my life I’m learning to trust life a little bit more, as the new header image advises. That kind of sentiment calls for a theme reminiscent of heartbreaking beauty–because that’s what life can be sometimes.

This last month has been a time for lessons. I’ve learned to find humility and pride in hard work, especially when it seems my efforts don’t amount to much in the short-term. I’ve learned to let go a little bit at a time while still holding on to the core of what’s important–and I’ve learned to be honest with myself on days when I feel like I can’t possibly hold on tight enough. I’ve learned that people change and that sometimes, this is how you determine whether they’re supposed to be in your life at all. I’ve learned that trusting, really trusting, that everything happens for a reason makes things easier and helps me to appreciate the parts of my life that I can count on.

So here’s to restarting–to moving forward but still knowing when to look back. Here’s to learning how to suit myself at this different, unchartered point in my life. It’s a process, not a product.

There are things that we never want to let go of, people we never want to leave behind. But keep in mind that letting go isn’t the end of the world, it’s the beginning of a new life.
~Author Unknown


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