Revamp [10.2011]

The wallowing may finally be over.

To be completely honest, the formerly dark, almost achingly beautiful look of this blog was becoming depressing–and suffocating. That’s what the inside of my head may have looked like a few months ago, but now I’m starting to miss the color, the unapologetic joie de vivre of the world. It’s time to step outside the paradox.

Well, maybe not entirely. But it’s about time the beauty came to the forefront and the aching receded a bit. Not that it’s gone, but it’s no longer the dominant emotion. Which means that this blog needed another revamp in the same way that my attitude had undergone a surprisingly liberating change.

It’s time to proactively, fervently, search for the silver lining, because it’s always there. Life kicks you around, but why let it when you can just as easily kick back? The ability to fight, to keep our personal fires of effervescence, joy, love, passion, determination, and resilience burning, is what gets us through. That, and an unshakeable support system of people who would do anything for us.

Since this blog went through its first aesthetic change about a month ago, I’ve learned some new things. I’ve learned what it means to truly forgive people and accept that they make mistakes, and that this act of unconditional love is more for me than it is for them. I’ve learned to have more faith in people, because just when you think everything’s disintegrated and broken, they may surprise you. I’ve learned to let people into the chaos that is my mind and my heart, to be brave enough to be weak, and to trust that my friends will prop me up. I’ve learned that moving on is hard to do but that it happens in small increments, and moving on in one respect doesn’t mean you have to move on in all respects. Sometimes, you hold on because you want to–and sometimes, that’s OK.

It’s about time to spark some renewal. The blog’s header, a peacock feather, represents rebirth, beauty, and (self-)awareness. This revamp is about celebrating everything that I love about life–and about myself. It’s about taking my cue from the inspiring women who have come before me, but it’s also about being honest. It’s about saying I love something when I do and about admitting I need help when my strength is failing. It’s about taking more steps to become the woman I want to be–and still having some fun along the way. I’ll definitely drink to that đŸ˜‰


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